Google AdWords Service

Google AdWords is Google’s advertising system in which advertisers bid on certain keywords in order for their clickable ads to appear in Google’s search results. Since advertisers have to pay for these clicks, this is how Google makes money from search. This infographic will help you understand how AdWords works, detailing the AdWords auction, bidding process and explaining important factors like Quality Score and cost-per-click. If you’re asking “How does AdWords Work?” this infographic is for you!

خدمة قوقل ادورد

هو احد منتجات جوجل الاعلانية المهمة، يقوم بتوفير خدمة الدفع مقابل النقرة.  يستخدمه اصحاب المشاريع والمواقع الالكترونية لإشهار وجذب الزبائن والزائرين.اما بالنسبة للشركات التي تقدم خدمة التسويق التي تعتمد الدفع مقابل النقرة فهي عديدة، ولكننا هنا بصدد الحديث عن جوجل ادوردز، فهي تتميز بعدم وجود رسوم للاشتراك، وتستطيع ايصال الاعلان الى 80% من مستخدمين الانترنت، بالاضافة الى ان مستخدمين جوجل هم اشخاص يريدون الوصول الى حلول، اجوبة، معلومات، ومنتجات وبالغالب تكون الاعلانات مستهدفة لشريحة معينة من السوق.

What's Google Adword

Google Adword
No matter what your budget or how little time you have, you can reach new customers and grow your business using Google’s online advertising program. With AdWords, you can choose where your ad appears, set a budget that’s comfortable for you (there’s no minimum spending commitment), and easily measure the impact of your ad. Reach people exactly when they‘re searching the Internet for what you offer. Your ad can appear on Google and its partner websites. With cost-per-click bidding, you‘re charged only when someone clicks your ad

Google Ads Advantages

Google AdWord Advantages
  • Reach people at the precise moment they’re searching for what you offer Your ad is displayed to people who are already searching for the kinds of products and services you offer. So those people are more likely to take action.
  • Control your budget With cost-per-click bidding, you‘re charged only when someone clicks your ad, not when your ad is displayed. There are a variety of bidding options you can choose from.
  • See exactly what‘s working in your ad, and build on it View a report of how your ad is doing -- see how many new customers connect to your business from your ad, where they‘re coming from, and other details.

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